Stage 1: Contacting us
Please send an email or call us on 020 7731 0900.
All emails will be responded to within 24 hours
Stage 2: Escalating your issue
If the Connaught contact helping you is not able to assist please ask to speak to a manager.
If a manager is available they will be happy to talk to you to discuss your case. Managers are available on main working days during business core hours. Managers do however attend meetings and may not be available at that time. If a manager is not available, please provide your contact details to a member of staff and our management team will be in touch.
Raising an Appeal
If after discussing any concerns you are dissatisfied with the response provided, or the way your issue has been dealt with, you can lodge an appeal by writing to the below address, detailing your account details and the outstanding complaint.
Gascons, Smithwood Common, Cranleigh GU6 8QY
Your complaint will be acknowledged in writing or via email or telephone within three working days of receiving the complaint. An investigation will be carried out into the issues raised and a complete response will be provided within ten working days.
Where the issue proves particularly complex it may take longer to respond. If this looks likely, we will inform you on the progress and any action which will be taken and advise when you can expect a full response.